17th April 2009 written by Robert, Jasper and William read in St Mary's, Lower Swell, by
Fatty Foo Face, Gravy Groggins, Gorbachev, Guacamole, Slobadan, Big Girl,
G-Unit, G-Rat, Ugly Fat Boy…these were just a few of the nicknames Grace had to
endure growing up with her three loving older brothers. As with all big
brothers, teasing was our divine right – we used to serenade her with love songs
about Chinky, her first ever boyfriend, waft farts into her face while she was
watching T.V., or creep into her room after dark pretending to be monsters. But
Grace was tough. She would retaliate with an onslaught of slashing fingernails;
pinching, scratching and squealing until we were all shouting for momma. But
between the fights and the taunting, Grace smothered us with affection. She
never let us doubt how much she loved us. Although we could be mean and
impatient, we treasured her above everything.
This is probably the hardest thing we will ever have to do. To adequately
express Grace’s warmth and tenderness and the magnitude of our love for her, or
to even begin to do her justice in this small tribute, is impossible. Grace
jammed so much into her 17 and a half years, we can’t even imagine how much more
she could have gone on to achieve. She was beautiful inside and out and
overflowing with life.
When Grace arrived on the scene it was extremely exciting. We three had reigned
supreme in the Hadman family for a long time and the apparently sudden arrival
of a baby girl was a matter of intense curiosity. Here was a sister - a
wonderfully fascinating new toy who giggled and dribbled and spent most of the
day being sick. She was magnificent.
Grace’s character shone through from the very start. As soon as she was able to
crawl she was on the hunt for food - nothing could stop her, if you stood in her
way she’d let off such a piercing scream that you’d be forced to give her
whatever she wanted. With strangers though, her chief weapons were her limitless
charm, brazen confidence and inordinately chubby cheeks. As a toddler on the
beach in France she would waddle about from picnic to picnic, puffing out her
rosy dimples in a cheeky grin that would unfailingly melt the hearts of every
sunbather. They would pile food into Grace’s open arms and gaze at her adoringly
as she chomped away, happy as can be. There were very few things that could have
overcome Grace’s love of food, and language barriers proved no challenge
After food, sleeping was Grace’s greatest passion when she was little. Grace was
much younger than the rest of us and, though in many ways our worlds revolved
around her, she had to be (or insisted on being) amenable to what we were doing
as well. She developed the ability to sleep just about anywhere. We’d go out for
a meal and Grace would soon fall asleep- in a chair, under the table, even on
the table! In fact, it seemed that the only place where she couldn’t sleep was
in her own bed. Momma always said that Grace was 7 years old before she allowed
her an uninterrupted night. This was partly due to her haphazard lifestyle and a
genuine excess of energy, but it was also doubtless thanks to Jasper, whose
insistence of talking of monsters and giving Grace a shock at every possible
opportunity rendered her too scared to stay in her own room at night and meant
that, whenever we were at home, she’d always sleep with us in one of our beds.
Grace was always massively popular. I suppose one of the main reasons for this
was that she could make people laugh and loved to laugh at herself. Of her
numerous talents as a young child, none, in our opinion, could beat the human
fart pump. She would simply lie on her back while one of us stood over her with
a foot resting lightly on her stomach. A gentle push of the foot and out would
pop a loud fart and a burst of uncontrollable laughter. If Grace’s stomach was
on form we could keep up a pretty steady beat or even pump out a bit of a tune.
Grace’s incredible Indian accent was another great source of amusement,
especially when she was very young and lacked the ability to switch it on and
off, even when she was visiting us in England. Having moved there at the age of
three, India was Grace’s home for about a third of her life. She loved the
country wholeheartedly and everyone there, from poppa’s colleagues to our local
ironing man, loved her back.
While there, she adopted some Indian customs. For example, she insisted on
eating her food with her fingers, joyously squishing the contents of her plate
into a mushy paste, but this was probably more to irritate momma than anything
else. She loved playing the role of the little Indian madam, screaming
“Chalapati! Chalapati!” in her broad local accent, as she summoned our night
watchman for another cycling lesson.
But there was so much more to Grace than fart pumps, snoozing and eating with
her fingers. She was an amazing and dedicated swimmer. She could beat Jasper,
who claims to be not too bad, at 50m freestyle aged 10 when he was 18. She also
played hockey and netball, enduring embarrassing whoops from momma and tirades
of thunderous encouragements from Poppa on the sidelines. She was an immensely
creative person, a fantastic artist and blossoming actress. She launched herself
into things undaunted by the chance of failure – that same confidence she showed
as a toddler, waddling between strangers demanding snacks, never left her her
whole life.
Grace was always very, very sociable. She loved people and seemed to make
friends wherever she went. On family trips when we stopped in a restaurant, or
even just at a petrol station, she would disappear and start chatting away to
anyone she could find. Age didn’t matter, everyone warmed to her; she couldn’t
help making people smile.
This continued right up to today. Whenever we went out as a family, she’d always
end up chatting to whoever she thought most needed chatting to and was
comfortable spending time with anyone, from 8 year olds to octogenarians .
At school Grace developed an amazing sense of love and loyalty. She never
restricted herself and sought out friends of all ages and backgrounds within
school and without. As she grew up so her network of friends expanded but the
bonds she kept and continued to make always remained strong. She never wavered
from her dedication to them and her family, just as she never wavered from her
dedication to Top Shop. A quick glance at some of her photos from Teddies show
how important her friends were to her - they gave her so much joy and she would
do anything for them.
We brothers each had a different sort of relationship with Grace.
I was the grandpa: boring, often half watching telly while playing with her,
always trying to adopt as lazy a role as possible but, at the same time, the one
who would take her out for tea, the one she would wake up first on Christmas
mornings (even over the last few years), the one on whose shoulders she would
ride as we traipsed around American national parks or up hundreds of temple
steps in Sri Lanka. I was the one who was least annoyed by Grace, the one she
could punch without expecting a reaction but equally the one who was least
reactive to her pleas to play.
Grace overtook Jasper in maturity around the age of 10. They were playmates, and
Jasper was constantly inventing new games to force Grace into. A few times a day
the space between our front door and staircase became the world’s one and only
stadium dedicated to Jasper’s special version of Handball, special being
the operative word. In time though, Grace became so big that she almost
completely covered her goal, the first two steps of the staircase, making
victory very difficult for Jasper and the game therefore quite redundant in his
mind. Other games included Murder in the Dark, involving Jasper either sneaking
up behind Grace or hiding in cupboards, ready to jump out when she was least
expecting it, and sword fights in the garden, which basically consisted of
Jasper battering Grace with a plastic cricket bat and then running away.
William was much more grown up; someone to come to for advice; and, in recent
years, a genuine friend. As the two youngest they always had a strong bond which
manifested itself in the quintessential love/hate relationship. William would
always be the first family member Grace would contact whenever she was in
trouble, usually to get an idea of what to expect from Momma and Poppa when they
found out what she’d done – he had undoubtedly been in the same situation
before. Advice about how to handle gating quickly developed into advice about
life in general. The ‘hate’ side of their relationship, most likely borne out of
plain old jealousy at being usurped as the youngest and cutest, all but fizzled
out, although William’s sometimes overprotective attitude could still cause a
little friction. Both being based in Oxford, they had recently spent a lot of
time together; going out for drinks and dinner, sharing stories and mutual
Although we saw ourselves adopting different roles for Grace, sometimes I think
she saw us as one and the same being. Whenever we had a long way to drive it was
always me who sat next to her right at the back of the car because I was the
only one able to ignore her if she started winding us up. But whenever William
or Jasper began teasing her, it would be me, the innocent bystander, who would
get pinched and scratched and yelled at. She saw us all as a single entity so as
long as she lashed out at one of us, usually just the nearest, she would have
had her revenge. Grace used to say she was the only normal one but in actual
fact she was just as weird as the rest of us.
Grace brought us together as a family, she made us whole. The family focused
around her and she locked us in with her affection. But she wasn’t always
perfect, and we certainly let her know it. Being the youngest and being Grace
she definitely did get some special treatment. We often accused her of being
spoilt, always whining that she got more than we ever did and threatening that
she would be carted off to Brat Camp. But the truth is that being treated like a
princess seemed to do her no harm whatsoever as she continued to grow into the
warm, beautiful, generous, principled and inspiring young lady for whom we are
all here today.
We were sometimes overcritical, and didn’t try hard enough to understand her
problems, but we were always immensely proud of her from the day she was born.
We were so proud of her when she was small. We used to absolutely love it when
she came to visit us at school and we could show her off. She was the cutest
little thing and all the girls would go crazy for her, doing no end of good for
our own popularity. She was at the Dragon while I was at Oxford and I was always
so proud to come round and watch her house entertainments, take her out for tea
or show her off to my uni mates. I’d also often come to listen to her in the
choir but, to be perfectly honest, was utterly perplexed by the fact that her
singing skills did not somehow disqualify her.
As Grace grew, so did our pride in having such a wonderful sister. Later in life
Grace became a beautiful, passionate, caring and enormously fun young woman. She
always saw the good in everyone and everything and remained as doting a little
sister as you could ever have hoped for. In spite of this, she was always saying
sorry. She was constantly doing it, although most of the time she had no need to
– sometimes she’d be apologising for apologising! By contrast, we never had to
say sorry to her, no matter how terrible we had been. She was always so
wonderfully patient and forgiving.
But we have never been more proud of her than we are today. The love that is
felt for Grace is so clearly apparent and it is comforting that she was
obviously so important to so many. The mass of touching personal tributes on
Facebook; the beautiful shrine to Grace in St Edward’s chapel; the incredible
support of her friends and family here today are all testament to the massive
impact she had as a person.
To us three, she was a loving friend and someone we just wanted to show off as
our sister. We could have done so much more for her. We rarely put our love for
her into words, never often enough, but she always told us how much she loved
We are so proud of you Grace, you were the most wonderful sister. Your life was
so full and you gave so much love. You will always be our greatest inspiration.
click here to see Grace's 2015 Service ...