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Past Events

This year (2016) we are not having a service for Grace. It feels ok but I am missing it a bit. Just in case anyone has a drink handy at 7pm tomorrow, 7th April, it would be lovely if you would join us in a toast to Grace. And, of course, if anyone finds they are able to call by to have a snack in our pub (The Golden Ball, Lower Swell, GL54 1LF) with us around 1pm on Saturday the 9th, I expect we will be raising more glasses to Grace then too and we will be delighted to welcome you.

Saturday 9th April 2016 - we plan to go to the pub as usual for drinks and sandwiches and would love to see anyone who might want to join us. I am not yet sure whether to do anything in church - perhaps I'll know nearer the time ... if we do, it won't be anything very organised.

Secondly, Saturday 11th June 2016 - we are not quite sure if we will go punting to celebrate Grace's birthday (as we always do) on that date or, maybe, if people are keen, we might have another picnic in our garden .. (and pray it doesn't rain!). Suggestions are welcome from anyone who might like to come.

Robert and Becks, Felix, Dorothy and brand new Jesse, and William and Julia plan to be with us on both dates. Jasper is away on his travels in Kurdistan.

February 2016 - Tom Wom's London Marathon for Whizz Kidz in memory of Grace

"This April I will be taking part in the London Marathon in memory of our dear friend Grace. The charity I have chosen to run for is Whizz-Kidz, a charity aimed at improving the quality of life of disabled children by providing support, equipment and life skills.

Although almost sevens years have passed, many of us think regularly of Grace and I know it gives great comfort to the Hadman family to think of the amazing charitable work that people have done in memory of such a special person. I am delighted that, with your help, I maybe able to contribute in a small way.

I realise many of you will be inundated with Marathon requests at this time of year all for amazing causes, however, donations of any size are hugely appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

Best Wishes


PS: For those asking my target time is 3.35mins (Jumbo Wom's PB back in the 80s!)"

Remembering Grace, Saturday 11th April 2015

To all of Grace's friends  (from Carol)

It is hard to believe that it is less than a month until 7th April and nearly six years without Grace. The snowdrops are looking beautiful all around her in the church yard and soon the daffodils will be out. I'm wondering what to do this year ... in particular .... of course we all remember her on the 7th and at other times all through the year;  but I am wondering if anyone would like to come to the Golden Ball again for the usual pub snack so you can all see each other here, near Grace. 

The church is always open ... I would be happy to hear if anyone feels they would like another short service this year ... or perhaps we might just leave it that we will be in church at, say, 12.30 on Saturday, 11th April (maybe we'll bring a couple of readings) and it would be open to anyone just to come in and sit or to read something of their choice, if they want to ... or simply to visit the churchyard .... and then go to the pub ... we truly understand that perhaps no one can come this year!  Bill and I, Robert and Jasper will be there for Grace (William can't) .... but we understand that work and location makes it difficult for everyone .  If it happens that you know you might come and can let me know, that would be great (and would help the pub!) FB, email
or text 07771 712434.

Much love Carol xxx

Jane Green's Midsummer Celebration in the Yorkshire Dales, June 2014

Thanks to Jane's thoughtfulness and huge generosity in suggesting her guests kindly contribute  to Grace's Netball Court, we are delighted to have reached £570 which will be used for the project. 

We, and Building Malawi, thank everyone very much indeed for their contributions which will make a massive difference.

Anyone who wishes to contribute (every penny is used to continue to build the courts, the seating, employing a coach etc) can do so at

For a view of the project, please click here.

Remembering Grace: A Celebration, 12th April 2014

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our anniversary service for Grace. Five years is a long time although, in many ways, it seems that Grace has hardly been away.  Each special contribution to the service was uniquely for Grace, full of memories and love.  Thank you for all the thought, time, effort and emotion involved which made us feel uplifted and very proud of Grace. Thank you, too, to everyone (about 70) who came - we so much appreciate your time and effort in coming. And the glorious flowers for Grace ..... THANK YOU. 

There are photos on the Gallery page. 

Big thanks, too, to Ian who managed to collect the correct Orders of Service, red hot off the press, with two minutes to spare before the service started.  This made all the difference.  He also took a video of the whole service which can be seen below. He is kindly sorting out how to put it onto a CD as some of us might like to listen occasionally, without watching.

The printed Order of Service, and Kimberly's 'Grace in India', are on the Memories page where all the others are.

It was lovely that everyone got together at the pub afterwards; I do hope there was enough to eat.  I completely lost track.   

I also completely forgot that I had brought the beetle badges and lots of Grace's Alice in Wonderland post cards for people to take (and make a donation if they wanted); I have masses available should anyone want some. I can send them. 

My lasting memory of our service is feeling the church so full of warmth and love for Grace - and the beautiful flowers which are still looking lovely nearly a month later ....