Grace Matilda Hadman was born on 3rd June 1991 to Carol and Bill,
she has three older brothers, Robert, Jasper and William.
Grace moved to Bangalore, India, in 1994 on her 3rd birthday. She attended the Aditi School for most of that time although several times of each year she
returned to England with her mother to see her brothers and, at that time, she
went to the the Windmill School in Uppingham.
In 1999 Grace became a border at the Dragon School, Oxford from where she won
the Rotherfield Award to St Edward’s School, Oxford. |

St Edward's Chronicle Article
Grace loved maths, biology
and art. With a particular talent for sport, Grace swam for Oxfordshire, gaining
her colours and excelling in all strokes. She won a silver medal in the IAPS
Nationals for the Dragon and was awarded the best swimmer of her year. A strong
rower, Grace represented the Dragon, winning two Ergo cups and later went on to
row in the Schools Nationals for St Edward’s. She consistently played in the
first teams for rounders, hockey and netball. She gained her colours in hockey
for Oxfordshire.
Whilst at St Edward’s she prepared the winning entry for her house in a school
singing contest and was Head Sacristan at the school chapel
Grace has a wide circle of friends. She had a passion for music. As well as
playing the piano and flute, for several years she had been learning the harp.
During her last couple of years she had discovered her love for acting. To her
immense surprise and delight, she gained a Distinction in her acting exam..
One of Grace’s final and proudest achievements took place towards the end of her
last term when she was voted by her teams, 'the most improved player of the
year' for both hockey and netball. She was presented with an engraved glass mug
for hockey and t-shirt for netball. In the summer term, her parents collected on
Grace’s behalf an engraved plate at the school sports dinner, for the ‘Most
Improved Sportswoman of the Year’.
Tragically Grace died in a car accident in Oxfordshire on 7th April 2009. She
was only 17 and was studying A level Art, Maths and Biology at Teddies.
We do hope that her boundless sense of fun and adventure is captured
within her website. All of the buttons and features on the website have
been taken from Grace's art. |
